
Thursday, September 28, 2006

This Week

So, soccer season is over for us lol THANK GOD!! to much to do in one week! lol haha...we have volleyball this weekend in Glenboro, so that is going to be exciting,and we are staying the night in brandon at the Royal Oak Inn..lol i think thats pretty sweet! lol

well today, we had picture day lol so that took forever to get ready lol but i loved my hair in the end:P lol haha... had a crazy day today tho..got bitched at about something that was not necessary...some people just got to realize that some of us have responsibilities that we have to attend to before other things.

so yah, other than that i guess my days have been up and down..hopefully they get better...mom got engaged last friday, so so far thats the only up really, and shes been gone since last saturday,and not home till sunday lol so that is not too too bad!! haha lol anyways im gonna finish my laundrey and header to bed!

LOOOONG DAY TOMORROW!! Lol totally excited for volleyball tho lol were doing pretty damn good with Sherrie by our sides! lol


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