
Monday, October 09, 2006

Carberry Tournament

Hey guys..
well this weekend was our carberry tournament!! we had a great time!! the friday, we had our whole team, and won all our games, and then on saturday it was pretty friggen krazy!! it was all the grade 12's and the one grade 11!! it was totally fun, and we had a good time, we played really hard and really good, but came up short and ended up taking home 3rd place!! we even got a placque!! lol we are pretty proud of our 3rd place!! lol haha it wasnt bad AT ALL!!

we had some pretty interesting plays and i was sooo proud of myself when i hit the ball down the line!!, instead of just cross court like usual!! it was a good time, and im glad we got the chance to do that and it really brought out the team spirit in everyone!!!

anyways, saturday when we got back from the tournament, i showerd and what not, then went to hamiota to see nic and jess and keon and a bunch of others lol we had a pretty good time lol but FUCK IT WAS WINDY!! lol haha i hate the wind! lol we almost blew away!! haha

anyways, im outta here got some homework to do! laters ppl



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