
Sunday, January 21, 2007

My weekend

Hey ya'll

Lol, so my weekend was alright, didnt really do a whole hell of alot...went to spikes dads house friday, hung out with everyone there, and then went again saturday,and this time I drank! lol that was alot of fun haha, nicole and I were dancing with toad,and edward lol that was HILLARIOUS!! and we got boyle and kimmy d up there to lol it was awesome, as well as spike,and ryan and occasionally dan lol it was alot of fun.

Ended up staying the night there saturday with spike,edward,toad,dan,ryan,kimmy d,me,nicole,boyle,and hannah....lol there was like 4 of us in one bed, 2 on the floor by that bed, and then 2 in a nother room, and 2 in the other room lol it was funny! haha lol but yah, that was about it for my weekend. Today consisted of cleaning up Judy and Steves house with Spike, while ryan,and dan watched lol as well as lounging around watching tv,listening to tunes,and singing lol as well as homework :( that part woulda been great to skip! lol

hope the next week is just as good as the weekend was lol and hopefully something good is going on on the weekend! lol
anyways, im outta here laters everyone!


At 8:04 AM, January 22, 2007 , Blogger Brittany said...

hey brit, wow you had a crazy weekend..sounds like fun thou! haha we have to get together sometime lol

At 3:12 PM, January 22, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

whats going on this weekend?

At 11:11 AM, January 25, 2007 , Blogger britscrazylife said...

Hey lol not to sure whats going on this weekend lol i no im babysitting on friday, and have tons of stuff to do befor my midterm for chem on the 31st(so totally behind) lol and i gotta get ready to go to ACC on the 30th for the CAAT exam to be accepted as a nurse!! TOTALLY STOAKED! lol let me no if u guys hear of anything being on!!

At 1:16 PM, January 28, 2007 , Blogger Gill said...

NEW URL .... justenjoyingtheride.blogspot.com

At 11:28 AM, January 31, 2007 , Blogger Brittany said...


At 11:38 AM, February 01, 2007 , Blogger britscrazylife said...

lol sorry birtt, I have been busy, didnt really have time to post! lol so hold your horses!! lol


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