
Wednesday, November 01, 2006


i dont really no how many times a day i catch myself just staring into space at absolutly nothing!!..its happening alot lately, and it feels like theres so much on my mind, and so many things i want to say, but i dont no where to say it, how to say it, or who to even say it to!?!?! its driving me batty!

anyways!!!...lol enuf blabbering about that i guess....time to blabber about school,and how much i hate my math class!! miss.campbell is such a witch!! she thinks shes helping you when really shes just making things worse, and seem twice as hard than what they actually are! it driving me KRAZY!! i almost felt like throwing my books accross the room,and walking out, but then what would that solve right?? it probably would have got me a trip to visit mr.geekie.....thanks, but no thanks!! I'LL PASS!! ...i just wish that i didnt have to bust my ass in that class all the time just to get help, and even then i still dont get it...its pretty bad when you gotta bring your mom in just so you can get help..ihavent done that yet, but somethings telling me im going to have to:S

god i wish school would just give us a break! just once..you no its a pain in the ass to have 2-5 assignments all at once, and all due the next day, when there all from different units..talk about confusing eh!?

anyways, im gonna go try and make sence out of my english home work, and watch some Fast and The Furiouse: Tokyo Drift!~:D:D woo woo totally excited to see that! lol



At 6:49 PM, November 01, 2006 , Blogger x valerie-anne said...

im here if ya need to say stuff to anyone, just remember that haha! love ya lots xx

At 9:19 PM, November 01, 2006 , Blogger katryn said...

ms campbell really isnt that bad i think its prolly the way you acted when you first went into her class. i acutally bhave in that class and i dont hate it with a passion i hate dexters labratory never mins campbell shes pretty cool

At 9:22 PM, November 01, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

what don't ya get - i might be able to help ... email me if u want to talk ... ttyl! :D

At 5:50 AM, November 02, 2006 , Blogger Michele said...

yeah.. I like Ms Campbell too (shes TERRIBLE at marking, thats why the marks are all fucked up) but otherwise she's pretty decent.. and you think you have a lot of assignments do, fuck I usually have Pre-Calc, History sometimes Physics and Bio homework, not to mention volleyball and drama....

At 10:51 AM, November 02, 2006 , Blogger britscrazylife said...

i usually dont mind ms.campbell she was really good at the beginning of the year, but now that alot of the kids in my class arent doing their homework, shes just piling things on...when i first went into her class everything was fine..i usually like ms.campbell as a teacher, just dont like her marking, but it hasnt been to bad right now..im just super stressed out with this stuff,my other classes(because of it being a new teacher)my chem and what not, and keeping up with work, volleyball,and a bunch of other stuff...chele if you think this years bad wait till your in grade 12...its not any easier..i was the exact same way in grade 11 its pretty krazy..so katie as for the "its prolly the way you acted when you first went into her class" it cant be that lol cuz i was quiet in her class, and did my work...lol its now that i cant cuz i dont no what im doing,and she wont help me..lol

At 3:12 PM, November 02, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha you guys think high school is hard?!?! lol, it's a total joke - You can pretty much go your whole way through without studying much and still come out with a sweet average... then you get to uni, don't do anything for the first couple of weeks, midterms roll around an uh oh you're 5 chapters behind your reading in every subject, have 4 assignments due, a quiz in 2 days and 4 midterms lol. Man oh man I wish I was back in high school ...

At 4:32 PM, November 02, 2006 , Blogger x valerie-anne said...

lol, why would you wanna be in high school again gill ?! i wanna get outta here as soon as i can, but i still got 4 years left !

At 4:54 PM, November 02, 2006 , Blogger Michele said...

haha.. community college all the way.. but still.. i'd rather be in high school.. like everyone sais they want to get out and get as far away from home as they can.. but Gill knows what it's like first hand....

At 11:36 AM, November 03, 2006 , Blogger britscrazylife said...

yah i still wanna get away, but im gonna miss high school lol even all the drama that goes on! lol but schools only gonna get harder..its supposed to be a challenge right? espically when you want a good career! lol

At 11:29 PM, November 04, 2006 , Blogger B-Rad said...

I wish there was a way to be in highschool but still have all the fun of living away from home and getting wild and such. Cuz I figure university is going to be lots of work but there's gonna be a lot more oppurtunities. Now if we could combine the easy work with the oppurtunities to party, and meet new ppl, etc etc then we'd have a sweet deal.

At 8:50 AM, November 07, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha Brad... it is lots of work. But if you sacrafice some stuff on weeknights and study your ass off you can party like hell on the weekends! :D A piece of advice though :: Just make sure you make it to brunch or you starve all day :(


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