
Wednesday, October 11, 2006

1st League Game against STRATH!

WOW!! today was totally krazy when we played!! lol we won the first set, then came up a few points short in the second set, and strath won that one, then we won the third one, and they got the forth one by a few points, so then we went into the 5th, and final set! IT WAS SOOO INTENSE!! we battled really hard and the score was 14-14 so it was a 2 point cap...strath got the next one, then so did we. strath then got another one and the score was 16-15..we then got another point, tying the game 16-16. we got the next two points, and won the set it was really exciting, and we were all UNBELIEVABLY HAPPY!! lol
so yah thats it for this weekes volleyball update lol unless i can think of anything else! lol



At 2:59 PM, October 12, 2006 , Blogger Michele said...

yeah... not to be bitter... but we all played extremely horribly... and mr geekie is a shitty ref... (i woulda said that if we had won)

At 1:59 PM, October 17, 2006 , Blogger britscrazylife said...

yah, mr.geekie was a shitty ref that day! there were calls for both side that he called horribly! lol what an ass haha:P


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