
Wednesday, October 11, 2006


well i didnt no really what to call this one, but i feel so horrible, and like shit that i thought it might be an okay one to call it. anyways, dont you hate it when everything seems okay, and that your doing alright, things are starting to look up for you in your life, and then all of a sudden BAM!!! everything turns to shit again?! well that keeps happening to me and i dont no what to do about it anymore..im at the point now, where im breaking down everywhere i turn..and its starting to seriously drive me nuts! theres only so much a person can really take before it begins to be to much, and right now its WAY TO MUCH!

its hard to walk day by day past people that you no dont no whats going on with you, and probably dont really give a shit either, but i dont no im starting to feel like im at the point where it doesnt matter what happens in my life, no one cares anyways..
well whatever, im gonna get back to writing my essay, and try to deal with everything else thats on my mind, and what not..maybe i will catch a break yet..but who the hell knows



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