
Sunday, February 04, 2007

Fun Times

Hey everyone,

well, had a pretty fun weekend I would have to say! lol Friday night I went to kims, well I guess I had been there since wednesday, but whatever lol friday we celebrated Nelsons birthday, it was pretty fun times haha got drunk,danced,had long talks, and ate really hot pickles!! lol that was funny...then Saturday I came up to Neepawa to hang out with Britt,Nolan,and Spike and were having a pretty good time, minus the old western movies!! lol that was enough to make us girls wanna go to bed!! lol

Today, we did a bunch of cleaning, went for a cruise to get water, and then made supper,and got the boy's lunch for work ready..lol hope they have a good long night hahaha! I no none of you care, and this is boring for you but whatever, it gives you something to read about, and knowing alot of people, im sure you all can come up with some story to talk about *rolls eyes* but whatever lol

im gonna go now so yah hope this blog was good for u! lol
p.s. BRITTANY GAPKA YOUR NOT ALLOWED TO DRINK EVER AGAIN!!! lol haha.. hope your happy I updated my blog you lil shit!! haha love ya lots hun!


At 6:18 AM, February 05, 2007 , Blogger Brittany said...

Haha thnax for the update's it only takes you forever to do it but whatever lol..AND YOU CANT CONTROL ME I WILL DRINK IF I WANNA HAHAHAHA...luvs ya hun

At 12:55 PM, February 05, 2007 , Blogger britscrazylife said...

haha yah, i no.! your just like your boyfriend, you never listen!! haha jeeze woman!! lol oh well,it was good times haha totally gonna remember that one lmao!

luv ya to hun!

At 6:19 PM, February 06, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 3:37 PM, February 07, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

who wrote that last comment to britney? pretty sure its none of your business and you should stay out of it, besides shes not stalking him,she doesnt care if they date or not,there friends...and how is she stalking him?she went to neepawa to see Britt,and they hung out basically just the two of them till tuesday,they werent really with the boys! so maybe get the facts before you start flapping your mouth!

fr.a concerned friend

At 10:48 AM, February 08, 2007 , Blogger britscrazylife said...

wow, im pretty sure some people should just leave it all alone, they dont really no whats going on in my life, or anything really about this, cuz well your not there, but whatever..if you cant leave your name at the end, then that doesnt make you look any better...thanks concerned friend,i no who you are.


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