
Thursday, February 08, 2007


I don't get it, I really don't.
Why do people purposly set out to hurt other's? I don't understand that at all. Like seriously, do you get some sort of excitement out of doing it, or what? My life is no one's business, but my own, and the people I choose to include in it, or tell about it. So if your not one of them, then stay out of it, it doesn't concern you. So many of you have no idea what it is like to be in my position alot of time, and quit frankly, none of you could ever handel it either.
So heres an idea, leave me alone, as well as my friends..the ones that actually do care about me and my life, and want a part in it, beacause I dont need this, and like alot of my friends say, I don't deserve the way I get treated either, because Im a carring person, who is always there for everyone, and puts everyone else before my self. Thanks to those who actually care about me, and take the time to listen to my problems, instead of always relying on me to solve theirs, and then have them not help with mine.
Special thanks to Val, I love you to death hun, don't no what I would do with out you, as well as Gill, who is always there for me,and will always be. Kim Chuba, your one of my best friends, and I no I can count on you, as well as Brittany Clark, we become so close lately, and you totally understand what its like,and have been through it yourself to!..and Brittany Gapka, Tiffany Arnfinson,and Courtnay Patterson, I love you guys all to death,and I no that you will always be there for me when I need you the most!...thanks a bunch, love you all so much!

sorry if I forgot anyone! anyways, I'm out of here, im at school doing chem, and what not.

love ya guys!


At 11:02 AM, February 08, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey brit...you know that i love you no matter what and i will always always be there for you when you need me...at four in the morning, or during a snow storm...i'll trek across the backyard to your house to comfort you...and you are one of the few people i would do that for...love you! muah <3

At 11:11 AM, February 08, 2007 , Blogger britscrazylife said...

lol thanks a bunch court, good thing our back yards arent that big eh?! lol cuz i might just have to take you up on that someday...but your mom might kill me if i called your house at 4am, but then again, she loves me!! haha..lol but thanks a bunch for being there hun, i know i can count on you, and that your always there for me!
love you! muah <3

At 2:29 PM, February 08, 2007 , Blogger Brittany said...

Uhhhh why do you think every fucking mother loves you! Probably cuz its true n not fair..i wish mommys loved me to! haha o well ya well thanx for saying im one of your friends lol..i would think so haha..but n e ways thanx for always being there for me and listen to me when im goin throu hard times! I luv ya to death and you can talk to me when ever you need..ill listen i swear! lol But n e ways i got nuttin else to say just that i hope what ever going on fixes it self cuz you dont need all that stress! so n e ways byebye

At 3:07 PM, February 08, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey u forgot about me u goof..... and i totally agree with u ppl should stay the fuck outta other ppls life unless they are wanted.

At 2:25 PM, February 12, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha THANX for no mention of me haha... its all good i dont need my name in a blog... but no kidding eh i hate alot of shit that goes on so im glad im gone this year...

At 3:08 PM, February 13, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

BRITNEY! wow havent been here in a long time, i had to go back like 10 posts so i could read them all :P:P but hun, i will always be here for ya no matter what! cause thats what little sisters are for :D lol.. but im gunna go, so ttyl love ya lots xxx

At 8:33 AM, February 14, 2007 , Blogger britscrazylife said...

lol totally sorry once again kristina and ash, i no you guys are always there for me, big thanks! you to val, i love you guys to death! and if there is no updates, thats due to the fact my computer is being gay,and my net is down,so im doing this at the school lmao! love ya so much guys!!


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