
Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Speaking my mind

WOW!, i dont no what it is with a bunch of people, but holly christ do alot of them need help!? why do people get a kick out of talkin smack about others, and then buggin the crap outta them about what ever they can!? its driving me nuts, one of my closest friends, who are like a sister to me, keeps getting hurt, cuz people cant say nice things. sure if you dont like a person, thats your decision, but you no what, keep it to yourself, cuz honestly THE REST OF US DONT GIVE A FLYING FUCK! and that is just totally mean what your doing, so smarten the hell up! keep crappy opinions like that to yourselves...and i dont think any of you are in any place to tell someone that there life is not as bad as they think it is..becuase your not them,and you dont no how they feel, what they go through everyday, or how bad it actually is, so grow up, this is all getting very sickning, espically when she has done nothing to you!

god im just soo mad that people even do this>! i dont understand what it is to alot of people?? do you people get kicks outta making fun of other people at their own expense?! STOP!! u have no idea how much worse you are making these people feel! so i suggest that you just leave her alone, and dont say anything to anyone about her..dont even say anything to her! cuz its all pointless, and the only person that will feel good about this will be yourselves, cuz obviously your a heartless person!

anyways, im outta here!
laters ya'll LUV YA!


At 8:50 PM, October 18, 2006 , Blogger x valerie-anne said...

thanks brit, alot, i love you!

At 1:33 AM, October 19, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I AGREE. I AGREE. I AGREE!! I bitched them out lol....wish I knew who the fuck it was so I could kick them square in the jaw ... but I'm out kids! lol, have a nice day! :)

At 10:53 AM, October 19, 2006 , Blogger britscrazylife said...

lol gill i totally wanna do the same thing! like who the hell do they think they are? well i guess doing shit like this is what helps them sleep at night?:S STUPID ITIOTS!! lol haha anyways laters girls!


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