
Sunday, October 22, 2006

Lastnight (Jordans and Rookie Party)

WOW!! lastnight was a blast! well at the Rookie Party anyways...before i went out lastnight, i went to my bros first hockey game of the season! it was AWESOME! hah he totally rocked people,and then got a penalty lol it was pretty funny!haha...and then we came home,and went to Jordans, it was pretty fun there, hung out with people i hadent seen in a while, got in an arguement with the biggest asshole ever..i mean like seriously some people need to grow up big time...calling people who arent even close to a whore or a dog is totally rude, and then saying other shit about them is totally stupid to and to top it all of yelling this while drunk, behind someone else's truck, while the others are walking in the opposite direction, minding their own business is totally beyond me!....fuck did that ever piss me off!

anyways, so i had enough of that shit, packed up the van,and headered out to Harding, to the Rookie Party, which was totally awesome lol seen a bunch of people there as well that i hadnt seen in a while, and some new faces! lol we all had a great time lol didnt get home till like 4am! lol KRAZY!! and went to hamiota for a bit to party at chris scotts lol hes a pretty cool guy! lol had a blast with nic, jerry,tanner,johnny,kristina,and jessi! lol it was a blast! lol and michele had fun, and KIM WAS HAMMERED! lol curtis had to hold her up lol it was great, and totally cute! lol anyways, im outta here, talk to you laters ya'll


At 3:10 PM, October 22, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha sounds like a blast!! Ryan plays hockey now? You drove then van or what? lol, who was yellin' shit? I called Ash and them in Newdale but I take it you guys had all left by then ... ttyl

At 4:20 PM, October 22, 2006 , Blogger britscrazylife said...

yah ryan plays hockey now lol and hes pretty friggen good at it!! haha and yah i took the van, and yellin shit..sorry to say it was your geniouse of a brother...its a long story

At 8:06 PM, October 24, 2006 , Blogger Michele said...

fuck yeah.. it was awesome.. i'm glad i came with you! lmao.. and we had that heart to heart on the way there... <3 love ya!

At 12:31 PM, October 25, 2006 , Blogger britscrazylife said...

lol aww we did chele and it was an awesome time to!! luv ya lots hunni


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