
Monday, February 19, 2007

Wow..things change

Wow, things can get really weird quickly.
I don't no why, but so many thing's seem like there just changing so fast, and for no reason at all...some people are becoming jerks, and other's are just starting to not care about anyone but them selves..and then you have those that lie to you, and just pretend that they are there for you, when really there not!
Why do people pretned that they care about certain people, and that they are their friend? God some people just royally piss me off, its like they are purposly doing shit like this! its fucking stupid, GROW UP! Your not impressing anyone at all!
except for maybe yourselves,and the stupid littl clicks that stick with you!
God I just want to get out of here, before I explode!Im soo mad at so many peopl, and they have me so frusterated and confused its not even funny!
I just don't know what to do anymore, like seriously how do you no if you can really trust the people that say you can, or that tell you they would never do certain thing's to you? Like how can I believe that,espically if they have been known to lie to you before!?!? god this is totally fucked up,and I want to trust all theses people,but I just can't!
anyways, I got to go, Im getting mad just bitching about all this anyways, so yah im out of here! laters
Brit <3


At 12:34 PM, February 19, 2007 , Blogger Brittany said...

Hey Brit i just want you to know i luv you to death and i would never ever turn my back on you! much love kisses

At 8:58 AM, February 20, 2007 , Blogger britscrazylife said...

thanks britt! glad to no that your there,and that I can trust you!
laters babe
Brit <3

At 7:40 PM, February 21, 2007 , Blogger x valerie-anne said...

Hey hun, just know im always here for ya, give me a shout if ya need someone to talk to ! thanks for bein there, luv ya lots

At 3:00 PM, February 24, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

wanna update me here? i'm so lost


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