
Sunday, February 25, 2007

R.I.P :( <3

Well, Today has been an okay day, until I called home from Elkhorn.
I decided since it has basically been like a week since I have been home, other than the 2 hours on thursday before cadets. Anyways, when I called home to talk to the family, it was just Ryan home and he told me that when he got home that morning at 11:00 a.m. our cat Mugsy was freaking out. He couldn't walk on his paw, he was constantly meowing, and hissing, and I guess he also bit Ryan,and scratched him. So Ryan called mom at work, and told her what was going on, and she came home to see...she called Lyle, and him and Ryan took Mugsy to the vet, where they gave him a needle to try to settle him down. My family were told Mugsy would have to stay over night, so they could watch his progress... At 9:00 p.m. when my mom got home, she called me to tell me that Mugsy was gone, and had died of a Heart attack. He was put down because of the suffering...and all day they noticed no change in progress, he just got worse, and was deterriating after the shot basically.
So after the 10 minute difference of talking to my brother,and then getting a call from my mom who was crying, made it really hard..so I figured I should tell people now why IM so miserable and upset, but I guess its better we all no I guess..and some of you probably don't care, but when you have kidney failure, and that is the first thing you see as a 4 year old when you get out of the hospital, then im sure you would be in the same state as I am..
anyways, Im goign to go now...
good bye everyone...goodbye Mugsy, I will miss you and always remember you
Brit <3

p.s. Sorry if none of you guys want to hear this, or think it is totally stupid, but he ment alot to me,and I am really devistated and hurt by the death of Mugsy..he was like another member of the family...the baby, and also like a human being to us.


At 5:10 PM, February 26, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Brit..im really sorry bout your cat! I hope you are in a better mood tomorrow..CUZ ITS MY BIRTHDAY! HAHA LOL
luv ya

At 7:19 PM, February 26, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

BRITNEY!!! my cat had 3 kittens under my bed on Thursday.. and one kind of looks like Gumball.. and I named him/her Tiger!!

At 8:18 PM, February 27, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

grow up

At 10:49 AM, February 28, 2007 , Blogger britscrazylife said...

why are you telling me to grow up? what's wrong with being upset about one of your pets dying,there is nothing wrong with it at all, Im sorry my family is compassionate,and are upset when we lose our pets, espically when we had him for 14 years,and got him when I got out of the hospital after having Kidney Failure...there is absolutly nothing wrong with it,and like I said in my blog, if you don't like what I wrote then don't say anything, don't even read it just leave it alone..
Brit <3

At 12:23 PM, March 01, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha you dont know compassionate! you go around saying how EVERYONE loves you. but really no one does you have to get over your self and stop living in a dream land. wake up and smell the coffee. your cat DEFINATLY went to a better place then where it was. haha

At 12:42 PM, March 01, 2007 , Blogger britscrazylife said...

How do you get that I think everyone loves me? I DON'T think that everyone loves me thank you very much,and what does that matter to you anyways...besides as for saying Im not compassionate, I am thank you very much,and I have been told that by alot of people.
and thank you very much but my cat had a great life living here, so what's your problem? why do you have to come on here and bash how our life is,and so on.

Oh,and by the way if I thought everyone liked/loved me then maybe my life wouldn't be the way it is..and quit frankly I don't want EVERYONE to love me, or like me

So if you don't have anything good to say at all then why don't you just stay the hell off of my blog, obviously your the one that need's to grow up.

Brit <3

At 4:37 PM, March 01, 2007 , Blogger Brittany said...

Wow some people can be really rude! ok who ever you are anonymous you need to grow up not Brit! she loved her cat alot! and it's not your right to go on here and tell her to grow up!and Brit and Ryan took really good care of their cat and loved it to death..and it was at a good place before! So you shouldnt bitch at them cuz that cat meant alot to them for many reasons! I KNOW THAT FOR A FACT! so you need to fuck off and leave them alone!
p.s. Brit n ryan i luv ya guys to death! muah!

At 8:26 PM, March 01, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

why is everyone making such a big deal about a cat, everyone knows brit loved it lots, so why don't you just leave it alone

At 9:33 PM, March 01, 2007 , Blogger Gill said...

good point last anonymous kid lol,

Ya really, this is kinda stupid right now.. Some people are so immature. There's nothing wrong with caring about your pet and being upset when it dies - I know I would be.

Why does it bother you so much that Brit is upset about it? Are you really that pathetic to make snide comments all the time? You must have a pretty sad life if you have the time to leave hurful messages on peoples blogs.

You're the one that needs to grow up. Grow up and realize that actions have consequences and that you leaving hurtful comments here on this blog also has consequences. You have the maturity level of a five year old.

Leave Brit alone and let her live here life. Have you never heard of the saying "If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say it at all?"

Well I'm gonna stop here. You know you can talk to me whenever you want to Brit. Laters.

At 1:29 AM, March 03, 2007 , Blogger britscrazylife said...

Thanks Gill, and thanks to the anonymous above Gill's comment...as well as thanks to my other friend's who understand why I put up this post,and why we are upset about it. I didn't no that writing a blog about your pet or whatever else would really matter so much to some people, I think of my blog as a place to relieve some stress, and so what if people want to read it..it is online,and it is open to the public,but that doesn't mean that its a welcome matt to come diss me and my family,and the way we do things does it?

I didn't really think it did, but so far some people just come on here and read these so they can rag on me or other people,and I really truly do not see the point in that.



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