
Wednesday, February 28, 2007

This Weekend

Hey everyone, well this weekend isn't going to be to busy I guess, since most people around ehre have something to do with the boys and girl's curling provincials that are going to be happening here and at the Strathclair rink.

GOOD LUCK to the boys and girls of SHOAL LAKE!! woo woo!! lol its totally awesome that there gonna play, I hope they do good,and then well saturday after they are done curling, there is a Happy Goodbye Party going on at my house!! WOO WOO!! lol

Let me expalin Happy Goodbye Party lol.... well the Happy part is for my "early" birthday party,since its on the 28th of March,and the goodbye part is for Candace becuase she is moving to Fernie on the 5th of March,and won't be here for my b-day so she decided we need to have a party for the both of us, and it just happens to be at my house lol...so we are gonna have a bunch of good times,and hopefully everyone else will have just as good of a time as we are, and yah thats basically it! lol

Any who...lol updates on what I have been up to lately...well not really a whole lot, catching up on Chemistry,and doing some Geography now to...stayed the weekend at Elkhorn Resort with Kim, got the news about my cat, which Im doing okay about now because I had friends that helped me through it(I can't help it if I was close to my cat..there is nothing wrong with that at all..) and yah that's basically it, left home last monday, came home thursday for 2 hours, left again,and didn't come back home till monday...spent the rest of the week with my family, went to Britts on tuesday night for her b-ady, we had a pretty good time lol and now im basically just wasting some time, before my next class so yah im gonna header now, and get some more work done..

laters all..
Brit <3


At 3:19 PM, February 28, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, you pretty much didn't mention our sweet ass curling rocks that we made today! lol that was awesome...haha talk to ya soon

At 5:43 PM, February 28, 2007 , Blogger britscrazylife said...

Lol yah I totally forgot about those didn't I Court!?! lol haha those are some pretty professional curling rocks we made today I'll tell you what! lol fuck did my finger's ever hurt tho when we got to the bottom of the pot lol or right in the middle! DAMN THING'S! lol and people laughing at us lol jesus! haha oh well good times to add to our day's of memories befor graduation!! lol haha
laters babe!

At 1:38 PM, March 01, 2007 , Blogger »BeautyfullDisaster'__x said...

hey brit whoever that person on the other post that you made and that they were leaving those comments they have no right at all! and thats just truely mean of them because theres no reason for somebody to bicth about you or about your cat(sorry to hear hugs). well anyway ill try and help you!=). ttyl Melissa<3 xox

At 1:42 PM, March 01, 2007 , Blogger britscrazylife said...

lol thaks a bunch mel! lol your such a sweetie! glad to no you think that!
love ya hun
Brit <3

At 9:02 AM, March 02, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

is this party going to be a big drama fest? like all us shoal lake girls who are fighting and bitching about each others boyfriends and i hate you , you stupid skank shit? like really shoal people need to grow up.. really we need to grow up! i cant believe we are all fighting.. but its actually amuzning.. your childhood best friend fucks your boyrfirend.. while you did the night before but while she madeout my boyfriend.. i did it with hers doggy style! ;)

At 4:00 PM, March 02, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey hun! wow havent been here in a while.. all i have to say is, whoever commented on your last post needs a life, and im sorry about your cat hun *hugs* .. im here if ya need someone to talk to.. love ya lots, Valxxxxx

At 1:25 AM, March 03, 2007 , Blogger britscrazylife said...

well to the post above vals, as far as I no it won't be a drama fest,it never really is at the parties here :S and as for that whole boyfriend/skanks thing,that has nothing to do with me,and if they want to talk about it then whatever...and what are you talking about with the whole "but its actually amuzning.. your childhood best friend fucks your boyrfirend.. while you did the night before but while she madeout my boyfriend.. i did it with hers doggy style! ;) " lol totally lost, but yah so hopefully this party tomorrow goes well, I heard its going to be big,and if people are going to bring drama here,then I suggest they either leave it at home,or just don't come, cuz the point of this party is to have a good time, celebrate a birthday(early)and say goodbye to one of our friends for a few months
Brit <3

At 11:07 AM, March 03, 2007 , Blogger Brittany said...

hey Brit hope you have a good time at your party! much love Brittany

At 8:56 PM, March 03, 2007 , Blogger »BeautyfullDisaster'__x said...

hey there brit! hope you have an awsome time at your party! maybe see you tomorw at the oakburn skating thinger well ttyl xox love you lots Melissa<3

At 5:16 PM, March 04, 2007 , Blogger Brittany said...

Hey brit hope your party was fun!! go and read my blog and see what someone wrote! im pretty sure its really depressing...


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