
Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Wicked Fun Weekend!

Hey Everyone,
Its been a while since I posted,but there hasn't really been much to post about,so yah! lol you no how that goes. So I decided Im gonna talk about my weekend,and what I did lol
this weekend I stayed home friday night for a bit,then got a call from Spike asking me to come get him from Neepawa,so me,ryan,kyle b,and edward went and picked up him,and then on our way back to my house we stopped in newdale,and picked up Nolans brother Kurt(nolan was supposed to come back with us,but was in too much pain from getting his tattoo that day, so he just stayed there till saturday afternoon,and came out then) anyways, back to my story! lol
After we got Kurt, we came back to Cody's house,and we all drank there and then Kimmy D came there to,and after a while we got bored being there,and went to my house instead lol it was pretty fun...minus the being up till 8am lol eh kimmy? fuck were we tired! lol then satruday we went to newdale for a bit that day to meet up with nolan,and figure out something, so me,kimmy,kurt,spike,and ryan all loaded into kimmys truck,and well then spike went in blaines car,and basically tried racing us and shit like that lol it was pretty funny haha. but when we got to newdale, we hung out with Cathy,and ashley and all them lol and pulled shitters around on the road lol and had a snowball fight lol fuck it was just great! lol
After hanign out in newdale for a couple hours, we were on the road again, lol all of us went to Kimmy D's place lol and when I say all of us I am talkin the ones I mentioned already,and Cathys bus load lol which consisted of her,ashley,jordan,and tyler lol it was awesome,and nelson came to and nolan! lol fuck we just had a blast!! lol and Kimmys house eneded up being backed by 2 other parties, lol you literally couldn't walk next to one another lol...and you no its bad wehn someone walks up to the owner and says "who the fuck are you!" lol thats when its time to start kicking people out lol!
so yah, there was some interesting shit that happened that night lol I would have to say,and during the day! lol pretty sure no one wants a reapeat of last saturday ever again..well except for the party, with out its incidents I guess I could say lol
Well Im off of here, just about time to go to Art! lol woo woo (*Rolls eyes*)
laters everyone,

Wednesday, March 07, 2007



Well I think now im starting to really stress out. Im feeling like no matter how hard Im working in school, its still not good enough, my grades are still crappy, and that nothing is going to work out the way I would like it to. But what do you do when it comes to that? Do you just sit there and take it as if thats all that Im capable of accomplishing, or do I just completely give up, or is that just telling me that I should try something else for now? I really don't no..

Mom and I had a pretty good talk the other day I guess you could say..she asked me what I would do IF I didn't get in to college ( the ones that I applied to) for nursing right now...and I get put on a waiting list instead. I seriously looked at her,and said I don't no...cuz honestly I really don't no what I would do...I no I have options, like I do enjoy hairstyling, and Hospitality Administration...I guess I could go for that, or I could even take a year off, and work and get on my feet...BUT..but what If in the end I don't go back?! then what?! or what if I do my hairstyling or Hospitality Administration, but don't go back for my nursing...is that a bad thing? Would that just totally be stupid?? Oh god, I really don't no...I feel like im trapped in some sort of bubble, and there is no way to get out of it!

what do I do?!?!

Brit <3

p.s. I don't ever think Im going to understand my chem, let alone pass it right now!! that is also totally stressing me out, as well as not having deadlines for anything!!:S :

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The Weekend

Hey everyone,
well this weekend was okay I guess...not really what I expected, but okay. The party at my place started off okay,and was going pretty good until someone decided to be a genius,and set off the fire extinguisher in my bathroom in the tub!! It was totally really hard to breathe for the longest time, and it sent my brother into a rage...boy was he pissed off...
Anyways, after that, some people left because Cody decided to start some shit,and was really getting on my nerves at that point because he was drunk and being a dink after a while, so yah...and then after most of those people left we decided we were going to go to Hamiota to Kimmy D's and check that out. It was pretty good, there was a few people there,and we all had a good time till some people decided to break a lightbulb over eachother's head,and punch a hole in the wall..that was pretty upsettin! after a little while (4am) we went home,and decided to call it a night.

Sunday consisted of some cleaning up,getting ready, and heading to Brandon for 1ish,and not comming home till midnight! lol it was a total blast!! lol Mike,Kim,Nelson,Me,Spike,and Ryan all went to Brandon to pizza hut, had a good time in there lol watched everyone down beers,and then decided to look for Mrs. Q's cuz the boys wanted to shoot pool..funny story, they changed their name,and we drove past it like 3 times!! lol it was pretty funny...anyways then we went to the bowling Alley, and played 2 games, ran into Chris Moffat (she works there) and they had a few more drinks (eventually they ended up getting cut off at the bar lol) Kim and I ditched them around 7:30 and went to watch Music and Lryics at the theatre,we both really liked it! and then off to Neepawa we went to take Spike home, since he had to work the next day! lol I was soooo tired by the time we got home!
but ya, thats my story for now lol laters everyone
Brit <3