
Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Well, it's been a while since I blogged, but its been pretty crazy!
almost caught up on all my school work, thinking bout droping art...today actually, and then just got a shit load of chemistry and geo to do!(god school is ending way to soon!)
The other day I picked out my classes that Im going to be taking at Grande Prairie...it was totally scary lol but I think I will be okay. Turns out I might be able to take all the introduction courses for nursing in my upgrading stuff, so that was pretty sweet!
anyways, so lately my weekends have consisted of working,and what not, which is okay...I can really use the money right now,and after the van going in the ditch lol I can save up for a car! haha or something! lol
Days I didn't work I have been going out with some friends, hanging out with DANE!! lol and detyton,and a couple others from Rivers, and its been a blast! Im going to the Finger 11 concert on Monday in Winnipeg with Kimmy D,Deyton,Marc Thomas,and Amanda, its gonna ROCK!!! lol totally excited!! WOO WOO! lol
hmm..what else is there..oh yah, that person writing on Brittany Gapkas blog is a total fuck tard, and needs to stop writing shit they no nothing about on there, and learn how to spell other ppl's names when they wanna talk shit about them. GOD!!! I don't think anything can piss me off more! Britt, you no how much you mean to our family, and I love you to death! don't you ever forget it!!!! got it babe!! lol
anyways, other things! well Sarah,Kim,Britt and I were supposed to go to Brandon lol and that didn't work to well!! haha oh well maybe some other time eh girls!! lol it will hopefully work out! lol we definatly will get to Brandon for Sarah's belated birthday!! lol
love ya to pieces guys!
anyways, I just thought I would do a quick update, I gotta header now class is almost done,and I wanna go home, and might have to go to work again,cuz Heather is sick..oh well, I can use the hours lol and its awesome fun picking on Cody!! lol haha
laters all!!


At 9:17 AM, May 02, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

ya were gonna have to go to brandon sometime for the bleated birthday of sarra's!! anyways hope work goes okay for you cause you said you were gonna go to work today.... talk to you later hun

At 2:38 PM, May 02, 2007 , Blogger Brittany said...

WOW....did Britney Lueder just update! omg maybe we should announce this one! its pretty big! lol haha Hey Brit lol bout time i would say lmfao! Thanks for sticking up for me! and defintaly will have to make it into brandon some time! much luv

At 7:01 PM, May 02, 2007 , Blogger britscrazylife said...

lol BRITT!! your an ass!! lol you no I don't update cuz im really busy usually lol and my computer doesn't always let me do it!! haah and of course I will stick up for you lol cuz next year you gotta do it on your own,cuz I will be gone lol so you might as well learn a thing or two while im still here lol:P haha just jokes!! lol

anyways yah kim, work was pretty good lol cody brought me home tonight lol instead of making mom do it, it was funny lol and we had a bit of a whip cream fight at work lol..and cody had to clean it up cuz he made the mess!! lol hehe fuck was it funny!! lol anyways
IM OUT!! got TONS of homework! lol
oh yah, and im FINALLY out of ART CLASS!! lol WOO WOO!! haha


At 1:50 PM, May 03, 2007 , Blogger Brittany said...

Britney is a big loser and im going to fight her! lmfao..sorry hyper mood! gotta luv candy lol!

At 2:19 PM, May 03, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

so call me sometime!! love your secret lover... how's our child doing?!?!? muah(K) much love!!!

At 2:20 PM, May 03, 2007 , Blogger Brittany said...

WHAT..YOU HAVE A CHILD! WOW i thought u were different lmfao! i jus have 1 question thou how did u and kim make a baby?? Luv ya lots i think! lmfao
kisses Brittany

At 8:40 AM, May 04, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

britney you fucker. now im never gonna see you ! haha jk. we shall have to hang out sometime ! i havent talked to you in forever !! but i gotta go do some shit. have a good weekend, love ya lots xox

At 4:21 PM, May 05, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So yeah im totatlly pissed that im not comin to the concert it was gonna be a good time.. but no things had to get messed up and yeah ... and its about time for the update i usually rely on blog somedays jeez haha... well anyways we have to go on a trip somewhere (brandon or where ever lol) and hang out a bit lol


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