
Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The Weekend

Hey everyone,
well this weekend was okay I guess...not really what I expected, but okay. The party at my place started off okay,and was going pretty good until someone decided to be a genius,and set off the fire extinguisher in my bathroom in the tub!! It was totally really hard to breathe for the longest time, and it sent my brother into a rage...boy was he pissed off...
Anyways, after that, some people left because Cody decided to start some shit,and was really getting on my nerves at that point because he was drunk and being a dink after a while, so yah...and then after most of those people left we decided we were going to go to Hamiota to Kimmy D's and check that out. It was pretty good, there was a few people there,and we all had a good time till some people decided to break a lightbulb over eachother's head,and punch a hole in the wall..that was pretty upsettin! after a little while (4am) we went home,and decided to call it a night.

Sunday consisted of some cleaning up,getting ready, and heading to Brandon for 1ish,and not comming home till midnight! lol it was a total blast!! lol Mike,Kim,Nelson,Me,Spike,and Ryan all went to Brandon to pizza hut, had a good time in there lol watched everyone down beers,and then decided to look for Mrs. Q's cuz the boys wanted to shoot pool..funny story, they changed their name,and we drove past it like 3 times!! lol it was pretty funny...anyways then we went to the bowling Alley, and played 2 games, ran into Chris Moffat (she works there) and they had a few more drinks (eventually they ended up getting cut off at the bar lol) Kim and I ditched them around 7:30 and went to watch Music and Lryics at the theatre,we both really liked it! and then off to Neepawa we went to take Spike home, since he had to work the next day! lol I was soooo tired by the time we got home!
but ya, thats my story for now lol laters everyone
Brit <3


At 7:21 AM, March 07, 2007 , Blogger »BeautyfullDisaster'__x said...

Hey! Wow sounds like a pretty crazy weekend and party at your house! haha. Go Check my blog out sometime www.ladyxxx.blogspot.com

Well ill ttyl Love You.


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