
Sunday, April 01, 2007

Updates Galor! lol

Hey everyone, Sorry I haven't really been on here to update lately lol I have been out and about,and my computer was being gay! lol So I will break down my spring break in sections I guess! lol

Friday,March 23,2007!
Well, on this day it was our annual Ski/bowling trip! I went bowling in Brandon with a bunch of friends,and it was a total blast! lol Ryan got one of those shooting penis's from San Fransico,and shot it at Mrs.Harder lol god I thought she was going to have a heart attack,she was laughing so hard! lol...Mr.Maynes never ever should dare Ryan to shoot something like that at Mrs.Harder lol HES NOT AFRAID! lol haha....the bus ride home was sooo much fun lol..god I bet the people on 18th street thought we were fucking nuts!! lol "Ask me about my weiner"! lmao!! good times!! haha lol...or that vehical beside us with the mother and daugher lol that was fucking Hillarious!! lol. On the way home we also played "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?"lol Mr.Maynes and Mrs.Harder really aren't that good at that game! lmao! haha...anyways, Later on that night,I got bored,and called up Kimmy D to see what she was up to lol..and well she had phoned me just before I had gotten home lol..soo I called her up,and she was at work lol(NOT WORKING!! lol jk hun! lol) she was working very hard lol waiting for that truck to come lol..but she decided that I needed to come visit her,and stay at her house lol cuz she wanted company..so I went to work with Kim,chasing cows,and what not lol..it was actually pretty fun! haha.."Keep the one's with the horns far the fuck away from me" lol haha "Kim that cow is looking at me funny!" lol..god Todd was having a blast with us I think haha...and our long chats on the way!! lol After work Kim and I went to her house,and basically went straight to sleep!!lol
WHAT A NIGHT!! lol I swear,the day was a blast, and it just got better! lol...we started off by getting out of bed,and showering,etc. After we got ready, we waited for Blaine,and went to Strath and picked up Kurt. After that we went to Newdale,visited with Cathy,Ashley,Jordan,Blaine,Spike,Nolan,Kurt(Nolans Bro),Dan,Kurt,and some other people I didn't no..and then after a little while Mark showed up. Anyways, we went to get Kimmy's dresser from her grandma's,take that back to Hamiota,hung out there and drank for a lil bit, went to shoal lake, got Ryan and Shitclamp, then droped those two,and Kurt off at my house to wait for Edward, and we took off back to Newdale...when we were there we drank for a while again, went and picked up Boyle...and was supposed to get Megs, but Mark and Blaine got her,and then met us in Strath at Al's house lol...it was pretty interesting there I must say! lol after we were done there we all piled into Kimmy's truck,and then went to get nelson. Before we got Nelson, there was already Me,Kimmy,and Spike sitting shot gun,and Mark,Megs,Boyle,and Ashley L in the back lol...so once we were at Nelson's, he jumped up into shot gun with us lol god was that interesting,and then we went back to Newdale, got Kurt,and Dan,and piled them into the back,and headed off to Elphinstone, to Micheles! lol it was a pretty fun party there,and actually alot of people to! BUT!! Ryan and Spike decided to be weird o's and argue with eachother about nothing, for shits and giggles,and got kicked out! lol BASTARDS!! lol so we went to Elphinstone Bar(Me,Kimmy,Spike,Boyle,Nelson,and Ryan) lol drank in there for a bit with Sonya lol fuck that was funny, but I must say that Bartender was fucking Hillarious, as well as Liz! lol haha..lol anyways, after we were done in there, we started to leave lol and just as we were pulling out of the bar,and going up the hill, the fuckin cops came behind us lol..so whatever, we kept driving, got to the top of the hill stopped for 3 seconds,turned right,and then went down the next street,and sure enough, we got pulled over..fuck were we flippin out lol open liquor in the front(hiding lol) and in the back of the truck was a case of beer(very much visible!! lol) and to top it off,I could'nt find my seat belt in the bitch seat! lol so the cop asked who was minors,and we told him..and he checked some shit out,and he let us go,even with our beer in the back lol..he watched and made sure we went out of town tho lol haha but we turned around,went back to micheles, and checked to see if anyone else was comming with us, Some made a big deal about leaving,and so we just left and went back to kimmys for the night..pretty sure that was an interesting ride home eh kimmy...some unexpected events!! lmao...oh well lol haha. So yah, that was our night then.
Sunday, March25,2007!
Well this day was relaxing day lol..I lied in bed till god knows what time lol and fucking ended up sick from 2-midnight lol Kimmy,Blaine,and Nelson went to work that morning at Cattlexe..and Spike,Ryan,and me went out there laters...they were done around 1,and we went back to her house...the boys all basically got picked up and left, and well I was sick, so didn't really move off the couch unless to well...you no lol...it SUCKED BIG TIME!!!! lol oh well haha...so yah that was basically sunday lol.
Nothing to exciting happened this day I don't think lol I was still at Kimmy's place lol she got paid, so did Blaine, so we went to Shoal Lake, cashed there cheques, got gas(in Blaine's car) and then headed to Strath to meet up with Mark. Well we thought it was just gonna be Mark, but Dan-O was there to, so that was pretty sweet lol we were all gonna go to Brandon(Me,Kimmy,Blaine,and Mark) we didn't no Dan was comming, but then we all decided to go lol and Kimmy and I drove Marks truck lol and Dan drove Blaines car, with the boy's in it..lol the boy's wanted to drive together, but neither Kimmy or I wanted to drive Blaines car lol so we got the AWESOME truck! lol haha...anyways, went to Brandon, pissed around there for a while, Kimmy left early, cuz she had to go to work, and I stayed with the boys lol went to Canadian Tire, and then basically left lol took the long way home, down by Sioux Valley lol it was pretty interesting,then stopped at Cattlexe to visit Kimmy lol..after that, we went back to Hamiota, Mark and Dan headered home,and Blaine and I went to get Kim Chuba, and brought her back to Hamiota, but befor that we went to visit Blaines mom and dad, and got his beer out of Marks truck lol ROAD TRIPS!! haha..it was pretty fun! lol..by the time we got back,Kimmy was off work, we went to her place,hung out for about an hour, Kimmy and I did dishes,etc and then we went to bed! lol
Today, Kim and I went grocery Shopping in our Pajamas! lol it was pretty fun, minus the fact that we just had to park next to my Ex boyfriend, who just happened to be sitting in the van,waiting for his Foster mom...fuck that was shit! lol and then I ended up having to talk to his Foster mom..lol I thought I was going to die...not cuz I had to talk to her, but it was just the fact of running into them..lol her and I get along really good...lol haha..anyways, Kimmys mom came for a visit, and what not and then Kimmy had to go to work, so I took her to work,and then kidnaped her truck to run to Shoal Lake and get some more clothes, and my homework,and what not..visited for a lil while, and then went to work out at Cattlexe again haha fuck I love it out there lol the fresh air,and Todd and Kim are a blast! lol haha...so did that(GOD WAS IT A LONG NIGHT!! ) 4am we got to go,and then Todd called kim and said the last truck would be in at 5 and asked her to be back,and I stayed in bed, but she didn't get home till 7am! POOR GIRL!! so yah that was that night!
HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY TO ME!! lol haha! Fuck,what a Day!! lol well at midnight(from March 27th) lol I was at cattlexe haha..that was were I first celebrated my b-day lol with Kim and Todd..haha we all had a pop lol it was funny! lol..anyways, this day Kim and I bummed around the house, watched passsions,etc...got calls and text's wishing me happy b-day, kim went to work,and I took her truck home for cake and supper, and then took it back to her at work, as well as some supper for her,and cake for her and todd lol they loved it!! GOD IM NICE!! lol :P anyways haha Justin followed me to kims, I got my stuff put it in the car,and took her truck back to her at work, and then went home, got picked up by Bobby and Cole(Kim chuba and I) and then headed on up to sandy lake...we also stopped to pick up Jonothan Peech lol hah and met up with Marshall, Shane,and Kyle lol fuck did we ever have a blast there lol...DRINKS ON THE HOUSE FOR ME!! lol loved it!! haha and Judy had a good time to!! lol :p we left the bar around 3 I think lol haha...took a bunch of different ways home, went up towards chuba's,but then ended up at coles for the night haha it was great! lol cole is such a sweetheart lol he totally made my b-day!! lol love ya to death cole!! lol thaks a bunch hun!...KIM IM GONNA KILL YOU FOR BEING SICK!!! lol fuck that was nasty to clean up! YOU BOYS SUCK FOR NOT DOING IT! lol
Thursday,March 29,2007!!
Today, we went to Houstons..and by we I mean Me,Marshall,Courtnay,Kim Chuba,and Robby! lol fuck was it awesome!! haha..LONG ISLAND ICE TEAS all night! lol Marajuanna Milkshakes with Joni(I mean Ms.Papanies)lol fuck did I ever drink alot that night,and once again drinks were bought for me lol haha dancing with Sarah was alot of fun to haha...and blow jobs were good to lol but way to much whip cream eh court!! lol haha..houstons was packed tho! lol seen some ppl there that I would rather have not seen lol like Lindsay! lol NASTY!!! I thought Sarah was gonna kill her! lol but she held her cool! good job hun,love ya tons!! lol after houstons closed at 3 lol and we left, we went to subway lol but also gained an extra person...I guess I forgot to mention,we went to the Tavern and seen sned and jiggy lol and sned stayed with us...anyways then we went to subway lol sned bought 25 dollars worth of fuckin cookies for some stupid reason..lol and then we went home, well to codys lol stayed there for maybe half an hour, then kim,court,and I went home to bed!! lol
Friday,March 30,2007!!
Well today was a good day ROADHOUSE!! lol WOO WOO...Courtnay picked me up around like 8":10 lol she was 10 minutes late eh Marshall lol..anyways the 3 of us went to Roadhouse, fuck it rained the whole way to Forrest, then it switched to snow, snowed till wal-mart,then changed to rain again lol...anyways we met up with Shane, Cory, Toad,Derek,and Catlin at the bar, sat around drinking, went dancing lol watched some people make fools out of themselves, etc lol it was a pretty good night! lol first night I ever did Yegerbombs!! lol I think there okay..lol and Flinstone Vitamins! lol fuck those are totally fuckin awesome!! lol we were going to stay the night in brandon, cuz we were ALL drinking lol and all DRUNK! haha...but no fuckin hotels, so we took it easy on the roads, they were icy as fuckin shit, and we ended up on a road we didnt even no was washed out, but stopped and turned around once we seen the puddle...lol "think we can make it through?" lol "I DONT FUCKIN THINK SO"....Guys, I hear running water"lol fuckin shane and catlin lol bunch of goofs,but love em to death! lol haha what did you think of their arguement court?? lol fuck I was laugh so hard I thought I was going to pee myself! lol haha oh well good times to add to the memory book! lmao!! haha.."awe Dad...loook the 3 babies are sleeping" "NO IM NOT!" lol haha..that night we all ended up sleeping at Cory and Lynn's house lol haha...
Saturday, March 31,2007!!
Today was an easy day lol after sasha woke up the boys lol fuckin shane came and jumped on me and Court, waking us up! lol BASTARD!! haha:P lol anyways, us two gals,and the boys headed down to the Strath hotel for lunch..lol well some of us had lunch, others had liquified lunch lol:P ...anyways, hung out there for a bit, then headed back to Shoal Lake to get cleaned up,and refreashed..lol court and I went together so we could fight parents as a team..lol good thing they werent mad! haha lol after that we went to the store..bought Long island mix( COURT, I THINK WERE ADDICTED!! haha) and then some wicked tall cups,and straws!!! lol haha woo woo..and after a lil while we all headed out to the lake. There was me, court,cody,shane,marshall,toad,cory,derek,edward,kurt,gill,catlin,trevor,alycia,kyle,and steven lol and it was a good ol'time lol it was nice and relaxing,but unbelievably funny at sometime lol..haha "Catlin put the diesal down!! lol..and don't fall in!"..."I will fight you!" lol good times, good times! lol
Sunday, April 1,2007!!
well, today is a relaxing day...doing some laundrey, had a relaxing bath, gonna watch some movies, have supper,and do some homework lol nothing to exciting..lol haha...updated this damn thing lol which took forever!! lol haha oh well! anyways, Im gonna header, and finish what I started lol..hope everyone had a good spring break, and HAPPY FOOLS DAY!(and happy b-day to my uncle) lol haha...leave me comments about your spring breaks! see alot of you at school tomorrow!!

p.s. I am really starting to get sick of all this fighting going on between alot of people, when it shouldn't be happening at all..people seriouslly need to stop talkin about eachother, but your differences behind them,and move the fuck on..cuz its not gonna get any easier as you get older...its just gonna get to be twice as hard,and you don't want to live like that, trust me.

oh yah, and for those of you that want to write nasty stuff about me on other people's blog, how about writing it on mine, instead of making other's blogs like that..if you have something you don't like about me,then say it on here, but have the dignity to leave your name, cuz that anonymous shit is stupid, and it doesn't make you seem like a bigger person...back your words up with an identity and a name

love ya all...
Brit <3 MUAH!


At 12:13 PM, April 02, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey brit its sarah!

lol i luv that u wrote 7 days of spring break madness into your blog. Houstons was def. a good time we r gonna have to go a few times together this summer! And yes..one day I will punch that whore right between the eyes!

At 3:01 PM, April 02, 2007 , Blogger britscrazylife said...

LOl that a girl! haha way to be mean! lmao! love ya tons babe! lol we definatly had a blast lmao!!!

At 11:07 PM, April 02, 2007 , Blogger ~Kimmy D~ said...

jesus christ think u wrote enough lol but yah that prettty much explains everything... good times good times!!

At 5:42 AM, April 03, 2007 , Blogger Brittany said...

wow u had a pretty awesome spring break way more exciting then mine! Louv ya long time brit

At 11:39 AM, April 04, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

dad's mad. dad's real mad lol

At 4:02 PM, April 04, 2007 , Blogger britscrazylife said...

lol awe look the babies are sleeping!! haha

gotta love whisper,wahenkpay,and whamboi lol


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