
Wednesday, April 11, 2007

hey all..
I guess you could say things are getting better...well besides the weekend,that was kind of rockey but whatever..guess that's what happens to people when they drink WAY to much,and hard stuff at that, but whatevs! lol anyways, haven't really been up to much lately worked at Sandy Lake on saturday at 7am-2! god that seemed like FOREVER!! lol haha it was insane!

This weekend I don't plan on doing much..mom and lyle are going to see Tom Cochrane,Red Rider,and Harlaquin, for her birthday, which is on Sunday lol so if you see her wish her Happy Birthday!! lol haha and Ryan is going to Hamiota to hang out with Blaine and Alison for the weekend, so I think im gonna stay home by myself since I have to work all weekend! Friday at 11am-7pm in the bar, Saturday 7am-2pm in the Kitchen(not sure if its cooking or waitressing! lol) and Sunday 7am-2pm in the Kitchen..once again not sure if its cooking or waitressing! lol haha but oh well..just starting to get alot of hours,and I really like it up there, totally worth it,and getting paid $9.00 an hour is awesome!! lol haha

anyways, Im gonna go almost time for the grad meeting! lol
laters everyone


At 3:39 PM, April 11, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha if you start at 7am it is cooking. Waitressing starts at 9am usually! But ya $9 is sweet, and it's not bad lol.

Rite on being home alone is sweet you can do whatever the hell you want!! lol.

Well ttyl!!

ps. Wish your mum Happy birthday from me!!

At 7:14 PM, April 11, 2007 , Blogger britscrazylife said...

lol I no that starting at 7am means im cooking,but see Erin can't work saturday so I might just have to come in at that time anyways and work with Heather or someone,don't no for sure yet lol haha...

At 7:45 AM, April 12, 2007 , Blogger Brittany said...

wow ur life is a bore lmfao jkjk! lmfao and by the way tell ur mommy i say happy birthday! YAY

At 10:59 AM, April 12, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol, true true. Well have an effing good weekend anyways!

I write my exam on Sat morning at 9am :S then I'm gonna chill out all day lol.

No work for me! :p

Anyways, likely I will call you sometime this weekend .. haven't talked in ages.


At 9:50 AM, April 14, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 5:21 PM, April 17, 2007 , Blogger Brittany said...

you need to update big loser! lmfao

At 9:08 AM, April 25, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey you!! it seems like forever that we have hung out! miss ya.... Lets make some memories!!! ohh i got an idea for sarra's birthday were going to brandon if i can get a vehicle and your comming! love you to death!!!


At 11:38 AM, May 01, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh lol by the way you shouldnt rub it into my minimum wage ass that you make more than me lol tkotally just kidding love ya!


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