
Tuesday, April 03, 2007

What to do??,,,

Hey everyone,
well things I thought were starting to maybe turn around...but I guess it might not be. On my birthday(which I forgot to mention) I got a letter from ACC telling me that I didn't get into the nursing program that I applied for, because the CAAT(Canadian Adult Achievement Test)that I took I came out short by 1 mark in basically every subject but 1, which totally sucks..so anyways....a couple days ago...like 2 I think..anyways, it said that I was accepted for General Studies(which is basically my upgrading) pretty sweet I thought eh?! but NOOOOO my mom is making a HUGE deal about it right now..she absolutly does NOT want me to go to Alberta to school..she is making this all about her, she wants me to stay close to home,and right now as it sits Grande Prairie is the only school I have been accepted to,and I honestly do not no what the fuck to do now!?
To top it all off I have to have a $200.00 damage deposit there by thursday,and there is no way a cheque will make it there in time, mom won't get lyle to put it on his credit card,and she won't ask her parent's to do it,because she doesn't want me to go there!! is that selfish,or am I the only one thinking that?! she told me I could ask them...but I did talk to my dad,and he thought I should talk to my aunt,and then he will pay her back, but I really don't want to have to ask any of my family members, other than my rents!
FUCK I DON'T NO WHAT TO DO, BUT I think im going to have another crying attack in a minute...well this should be good since my eyes are already infected! FUCK CAN THINGS GET ANY WORSE?!?!?



At 5:54 AM, April 04, 2007 , Blogger Brittany said...

Hey Big Loser,
Just so you know what ever you do i know you will be fine and i know your mom doesnt want you to go there..but whatever happens happens and it will turn out for the better even if you dont go to Alberta! I luv ya lots hun and if you ever wanna talk im here for ya just like you are always there for me!
o ya and i hope your eyes get better soon...you look like you are in a horror movie haha lol!
So have a good day off and ill see ya tomorrow!
kisses...Big Geek
P.S. you HAVE to come and watch me dance!..if you luv you will be there for sure haha!

At 5:08 PM, April 04, 2007 , Blogger Michele said...

it should be your decision, you should be able to go to whatever university that you choose (and that you will do well in) and be able to fufill your dreams... and your mom should be there behind you...

At 6:11 PM, April 05, 2007 , Blogger »BeautyfullDisaster'__x said...

hey brit i hope you liked your birthday present haha sorry it took so long to give it to you! haha welll ill ttyl love you tons <3 xxxkissesxxx Melissa


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