
Wednesday, March 07, 2007



Well I think now im starting to really stress out. Im feeling like no matter how hard Im working in school, its still not good enough, my grades are still crappy, and that nothing is going to work out the way I would like it to. But what do you do when it comes to that? Do you just sit there and take it as if thats all that Im capable of accomplishing, or do I just completely give up, or is that just telling me that I should try something else for now? I really don't no..

Mom and I had a pretty good talk the other day I guess you could say..she asked me what I would do IF I didn't get in to college ( the ones that I applied to) for nursing right now...and I get put on a waiting list instead. I seriously looked at her,and said I don't no...cuz honestly I really don't no what I would do...I no I have options, like I do enjoy hairstyling, and Hospitality Administration...I guess I could go for that, or I could even take a year off, and work and get on my feet...BUT..but what If in the end I don't go back?! then what?! or what if I do my hairstyling or Hospitality Administration, but don't go back for my nursing...is that a bad thing? Would that just totally be stupid?? Oh god, I really don't no...I feel like im trapped in some sort of bubble, and there is no way to get out of it!

what do I do?!?!

Brit <3

p.s. I don't ever think Im going to understand my chem, let alone pass it right now!! that is also totally stressing me out, as well as not having deadlines for anything!!:S :


At 2:20 PM, March 07, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, instead of writing a really long comment i'm gonna call you later, ... Ryan said you'd be home around 5 so I will call after that, ttyl

At 6:44 PM, March 07, 2007 , Blogger Michele said...

hey.. you should just look at the bright side.. even if you don't get into nursing.. and do hairstyling or whatever.. at least you're going to college and getting an education, and not living like a bum all your life!

At 6:58 PM, March 07, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey whats going on for this weekend?

At 7:50 PM, March 07, 2007 , Blogger britscrazylife said...

hey, don't really no what is going on this weekend...but if you find out let me no..

thanks chele,I no what you mean..im just not to sure if thats what I want to do,and if in the end I will be happy doing it..get what im saying?? thats the totally confusing part...if you have more advice,keep it comming
Brit <3

At 3:08 PM, March 08, 2007 , Blogger Sarra said...

hey brit i think that whatever you do with youy life is gonna be great...whether its nursing, hairstyling or whatever you wanna do. If you do go for your hairstyling or hospitality administration and you don't go for your nursing thats ok too. At least your doing something not nothing with your life like chele said. Whatever you put your mind to i know you'll get done DON'T LOSE CONFIDANCE IN YOURSELF!!!

At 7:32 AM, March 10, 2007 , Blogger Brittany said...

Hey Brit thankx for helping me throu everything your a awesome person and i luv you to death!..and i hope you get to do nursing but if not then you will do good with whatever you decide to do ur a great person and you make good descions with everything you do so no matter waht you will be fine! and hey hairstyling isnt that bad you could become even more pro than you are now and you could be a celebrity hairstylist! wow now that would be cool lol! haha just remember what ever you do ill be there for you! haha i rhymed lol haha sorry lol! luv ya lots

At 8:21 AM, March 14, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay i got a good idea you can live in a shoebox at my place and ill teach you hahahhaha ya i no ill go outside so you can beat me. but i got to go later

At 11:09 AM, March 19, 2007 , Blogger britscrazylife said...

Kim I don't want to get taught by someone who knows nothing about what there talking about,and hasn't even graduated from highschool yet,or gotten their own degree lol..


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