
Wednesday, November 15, 2006


WOW!! what a krazy day!! had parent teacher interviews, went to Newdale capsite for training on my job, and then set up shit for JV Provincials which are from Tomorrow till Saturday!! its gonna be a krazy weekend...GOOD LUCK GIRLS!!

BEST THING OF ALL THO!! WE ARE GOING TO PROVINCIALS!!! WOOO WOO ZONE 10 CHAMPIONS!! the games were good, and very intense, Strath did a good job to, they kept us on our toes, and we had a good run!!

anyways, im outta here, got a bunch of stuff to do!! laters ya'll


Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Hey ya'll ...well today we played strath to determine who sits 1st,and who sits 2nd in our pool...it was a pretty okay game i guess...but we came out first, which isnt bad at all, we were all pretty exciting. so our next game is monday, against St.Lazare..and this weekend we play in Virden friday, and then Elkhorn saturday, so that should be interesting to! were pretty excited for that!! woo woo !

but yah, thats all for today
laters ya'll

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Cant Take it ANYMORE!!

What do u do when you just cant handle alot of things anymore? when people keep bring up things that made you nothing but happy, but it all ended, and they just keep reminding u that your a screw up?!
i just dont fuckin get it?! why cant things just look up for me for once..it doesnt matter which route i take, theres always something standing in my way from me even being happy for more than a few hours...god this is to confusing!! i just wanna go away, and not look back...or wake up and have everything back to normal. i guess you cant help people, and expect stuff like that in return, or someone to at least understand what your going through and shit like that!..maybe i should just stop helping people, and stop talkin to people in general?

i wish people would just stop throwing shit in your face for no reason at all!!! god just fuck off with all of that already!


Volleyball updates!

lol well lastnight was our second last league game to determine 1st-4th...tomorrow we play strath at home, so come cheer us on!!! in the SHARK TANK!!! haha wow, that sounds gay!! lol oh well haha.. but anyways, we played hamiota lastnight, and beat them all 5 sets...lol it was krazy! but alot of fun...when we screwed up, we just laughed, it was pretty funny some of us fell on our buts gettin the ball, or did a slow motion dive lol it was pretty hillariouse! we loved it tho lol
anyways, our last tournament is this weekend....its the Virden tournament..we are there all friday morning, then come home for like 2 or 3ish, and then saturday we play at Elkhorn..so it will be pretty interesting!! lol pretty stoaked! lol haha..

tomorrow i also start my new job at the cap site here in shoal lake, and once a week in oakburn..it payes 12 bucks an hour, and i work 20 hours a week..so thats pretty good! lol im excited for that!! lol
anyways, im outta here, got alot of chem to do!! laters ya'll

Sunday, November 05, 2006


so today is my brothers birthday lol hes 16!! woo woo!! lol haha, and lastnight we had a party for him, it was pretty fucking krazy if u ask me! lol started at like 8:30-9ish and didnt shut down till 7am!! i was like holly cow!! i just wanted to sleep lol and that was at like 3:30-4ish lol so yah, it was a pretty good night, really good turn out, thats for sure! lol

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


i dont really no how many times a day i catch myself just staring into space at absolutly nothing!!..its happening alot lately, and it feels like theres so much on my mind, and so many things i want to say, but i dont no where to say it, how to say it, or who to even say it to!?!?! its driving me batty!

anyways!!!...lol enuf blabbering about that i guess....time to blabber about school,and how much i hate my math class!! miss.campbell is such a witch!! she thinks shes helping you when really shes just making things worse, and seem twice as hard than what they actually are! it driving me KRAZY!! i almost felt like throwing my books accross the room,and walking out, but then what would that solve right?? it probably would have got me a trip to visit mr.geekie.....thanks, but no thanks!! I'LL PASS!! ...i just wish that i didnt have to bust my ass in that class all the time just to get help, and even then i still dont get it...its pretty bad when you gotta bring your mom in just so you can get help..ihavent done that yet, but somethings telling me im going to have to:S

god i wish school would just give us a break! just once..you no its a pain in the ass to have 2-5 assignments all at once, and all due the next day, when there all from different units..talk about confusing eh!?

anyways, im gonna go try and make sence out of my english home work, and watch some Fast and The Furiouse: Tokyo Drift!~:D:D woo woo totally excited to see that! lol
