
Sunday, October 29, 2006

Wawanesa Tournament!!

WOW! we totally had a blast at Wawanesa this weekend!! it was totally awesome!! some of them teams were kinda tough but not really...we played Swan Lake, Wawanesa,Baulder and Elkhorn! lol it was alot of fun! Swan Lake has this one girl, not even kidding shes a BEAST! lol shes really tall, but kinda big to, and she playes middle...when she went to hit, she didnt even jump, and it was pretty good hit..could u imagine what she could do if she jumped?! wow!!! lol...but we lost one set to them...then we played Elkhorn, and beat them both sets..then Wawanesa, lost one set to them, they have improved alot...and then Baldur, and we beat them both sets.

Baldur lost all there games, so they got 5th place, then 3rd and 4th play offs were between Elkhorn who were already ranked 4th in the pool, and then Swan Lake who was ranked 3rd already....they had a good game, and had to go into 3 sets..it was pretty cool...put Elkhorn came up short in the last set, and was ranked 4th, with Swan Lake 3rd. The next games was us, against Wawanesa...we were already ranked 1st in our pool, and Wawanesa was 2nd..we battled really hard the first set the final score was 27-25 for us! it was pretty awesome, and then in the second set we beat them badly winning 1st place!! woo woo!! and Wawanesa 2nd!! so it was a pretty good weekend,and we all had a great time!!

well im outta here...later days

Friday, October 27, 2006

Hockey game

well tonight i went to the hockey game and watched the boys(my bro and all them) play minnedosa in their home tournament this weekend, and they lost 2-1...it was pretty depressing..or maybe it was 3-1..either way, they lost, and they play tomorrow morning, but i will already be gone to play volleyball in wawanesa...i gotta be up at like 6-6:30am!!! its fucking KRAZY SHIT MAN!! lol hah anyways write again laters!!

luv ya'll

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Lastnight (Jordans and Rookie Party)

WOW!! lastnight was a blast! well at the Rookie Party anyways...before i went out lastnight, i went to my bros first hockey game of the season! it was AWESOME! hah he totally rocked people,and then got a penalty lol it was pretty funny!haha...and then we came home,and went to Jordans, it was pretty fun there, hung out with people i hadent seen in a while, got in an arguement with the biggest asshole ever..i mean like seriously some people need to grow up big time...calling people who arent even close to a whore or a dog is totally rude, and then saying other shit about them is totally stupid to and to top it all of yelling this while drunk, behind someone else's truck, while the others are walking in the opposite direction, minding their own business is totally beyond me!....fuck did that ever piss me off!

anyways, so i had enough of that shit, packed up the van,and headered out to Harding, to the Rookie Party, which was totally awesome lol seen a bunch of people there as well that i hadnt seen in a while, and some new faces! lol we all had a great time lol didnt get home till like 4am! lol KRAZY!! and went to hamiota for a bit to party at chris scotts lol hes a pretty cool guy! lol had a blast with nic, jerry,tanner,johnny,kristina,and jessi! lol it was a blast! lol and michele had fun, and KIM WAS HAMMERED! lol curtis had to hold her up lol it was great, and totally cute! lol anyways, im outta here, talk to you laters ya'll

Thursday, October 19, 2006


WOW !! im sooo unbelievably happy lol today has been THE GREATEST DAY EVER!! lol well other than when i had a boyfriend lol:P but this is totally awesome! lol I GOT MY LISCENCE TODAY!! lol i no it took me forever to get my learners but wow, im just soo happy i can actually drive now! haah lol yah so thats my short story for today! lol haha

our first game is at 3 in shoal lake...we dont go to strath till saturday afternoon! so yah lol
BE THERE TO CHEER ON THE SHARKS!! woo woo lol..then cheer for whoever you want in playoffs at strath! lol :P

later days

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Speaking my mind

WOW!, i dont no what it is with a bunch of people, but holly christ do alot of them need help!? why do people get a kick out of talkin smack about others, and then buggin the crap outta them about what ever they can!? its driving me nuts, one of my closest friends, who are like a sister to me, keeps getting hurt, cuz people cant say nice things. sure if you dont like a person, thats your decision, but you no what, keep it to yourself, cuz honestly THE REST OF US DONT GIVE A FLYING FUCK! and that is just totally mean what your doing, so smarten the hell up! keep crappy opinions like that to yourselves...and i dont think any of you are in any place to tell someone that there life is not as bad as they think it is..becuase your not them,and you dont no how they feel, what they go through everyday, or how bad it actually is, so grow up, this is all getting very sickning, espically when she has done nothing to you!

god im just soo mad that people even do this>! i dont understand what it is to alot of people?? do you people get kicks outta making fun of other people at their own expense?! STOP!! u have no idea how much worse you are making these people feel! so i suggest that you just leave her alone, and dont say anything to anyone about her..dont even say anything to her! cuz its all pointless, and the only person that will feel good about this will be yourselves, cuz obviously your a heartless person!

anyways, im outta here!
laters ya'll LUV YA!

3RD league game against St.Lazare(last one agains them)

Hey ppls! well we played St.Lazare again today, and totally won again, lol they need alot of help with their team lol the coach doesnt seem like he knows what hes doing lol haha..its pretty funny lol but i think thats all i have to say about this right now lol haha.....so laters people!!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

2nd League game: against HAMIOTA!

HEY GUYS!! well yesterday we played volleyball, and had a blast! lol we started off pretty frigen crappy lol we lost the first two sets, won the 3rd one like 25 to 4 lol haha it was funny, and then won the last two, so it was pretty awesome!! so yah, thats my story for right now..will blog again laters!

luv ya'll

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


well i didnt no really what to call this one, but i feel so horrible, and like shit that i thought it might be an okay one to call it. anyways, dont you hate it when everything seems okay, and that your doing alright, things are starting to look up for you in your life, and then all of a sudden BAM!!! everything turns to shit again?! well that keeps happening to me and i dont no what to do about it anymore..im at the point now, where im breaking down everywhere i turn..and its starting to seriously drive me nuts! theres only so much a person can really take before it begins to be to much, and right now its WAY TO MUCH!

its hard to walk day by day past people that you no dont no whats going on with you, and probably dont really give a shit either, but i dont no im starting to feel like im at the point where it doesnt matter what happens in my life, no one cares anyways..
well whatever, im gonna get back to writing my essay, and try to deal with everything else thats on my mind, and what not..maybe i will catch a break yet..but who the hell knows


1st League Game against STRATH!

WOW!! today was totally krazy when we played!! lol we won the first set, then came up a few points short in the second set, and strath won that one, then we won the third one, and they got the forth one by a few points, so then we went into the 5th, and final set! IT WAS SOOO INTENSE!! we battled really hard and the score was 14-14 so it was a 2 point cap...strath got the next one, then so did we. strath then got another one and the score was 16-15..we then got another point, tying the game 16-16. we got the next two points, and won the set it was really exciting, and we were all UNBELIEVABLY HAPPY!! lol
so yah thats it for this weekes volleyball update lol unless i can think of anything else! lol


Monday, October 09, 2006

Carberry Tournament

Hey guys..
well this weekend was our carberry tournament!! we had a great time!! the friday, we had our whole team, and won all our games, and then on saturday it was pretty friggen krazy!! it was all the grade 12's and the one grade 11!! it was totally fun, and we had a good time, we played really hard and really good, but came up short and ended up taking home 3rd place!! we even got a placque!! lol we are pretty proud of our 3rd place!! lol haha it wasnt bad AT ALL!!

we had some pretty interesting plays and i was sooo proud of myself when i hit the ball down the line!!, instead of just cross court like usual!! it was a good time, and im glad we got the chance to do that and it really brought out the team spirit in everyone!!!

anyways, saturday when we got back from the tournament, i showerd and what not, then went to hamiota to see nic and jess and keon and a bunch of others lol we had a pretty good time lol but FUCK IT WAS WINDY!! lol haha i hate the wind! lol we almost blew away!! haha

anyways, im outta here got some homework to do! laters ppl
