
Wednesday, February 28, 2007

This Weekend

Hey everyone, well this weekend isn't going to be to busy I guess, since most people around ehre have something to do with the boys and girl's curling provincials that are going to be happening here and at the Strathclair rink.

GOOD LUCK to the boys and girls of SHOAL LAKE!! woo woo!! lol its totally awesome that there gonna play, I hope they do good,and then well saturday after they are done curling, there is a Happy Goodbye Party going on at my house!! WOO WOO!! lol

Let me expalin Happy Goodbye Party lol.... well the Happy part is for my "early" birthday party,since its on the 28th of March,and the goodbye part is for Candace becuase she is moving to Fernie on the 5th of March,and won't be here for my b-day so she decided we need to have a party for the both of us, and it just happens to be at my house lol...so we are gonna have a bunch of good times,and hopefully everyone else will have just as good of a time as we are, and yah thats basically it! lol

Any who...lol updates on what I have been up to lately...well not really a whole lot, catching up on Chemistry,and doing some Geography now to...stayed the weekend at Elkhorn Resort with Kim, got the news about my cat, which Im doing okay about now because I had friends that helped me through it(I can't help it if I was close to my cat..there is nothing wrong with that at all..) and yah that's basically it, left home last monday, came home thursday for 2 hours, left again,and didn't come back home till monday...spent the rest of the week with my family, went to Britts on tuesday night for her b-ady, we had a pretty good time lol and now im basically just wasting some time, before my next class so yah im gonna header now, and get some more work done..

laters all..
Brit <3

Sunday, February 25, 2007

R.I.P :( <3

Well, Today has been an okay day, until I called home from Elkhorn.
I decided since it has basically been like a week since I have been home, other than the 2 hours on thursday before cadets. Anyways, when I called home to talk to the family, it was just Ryan home and he told me that when he got home that morning at 11:00 a.m. our cat Mugsy was freaking out. He couldn't walk on his paw, he was constantly meowing, and hissing, and I guess he also bit Ryan,and scratched him. So Ryan called mom at work, and told her what was going on, and she came home to see...she called Lyle, and him and Ryan took Mugsy to the vet, where they gave him a needle to try to settle him down. My family were told Mugsy would have to stay over night, so they could watch his progress... At 9:00 p.m. when my mom got home, she called me to tell me that Mugsy was gone, and had died of a Heart attack. He was put down because of the suffering...and all day they noticed no change in progress, he just got worse, and was deterriating after the shot basically.
So after the 10 minute difference of talking to my brother,and then getting a call from my mom who was crying, made it really hard..so I figured I should tell people now why IM so miserable and upset, but I guess its better we all no I guess..and some of you probably don't care, but when you have kidney failure, and that is the first thing you see as a 4 year old when you get out of the hospital, then im sure you would be in the same state as I am..
anyways, Im goign to go now...
good bye everyone...goodbye Mugsy, I will miss you and always remember you
Brit <3

p.s. Sorry if none of you guys want to hear this, or think it is totally stupid, but he ment alot to me,and I am really devistated and hurt by the death of Mugsy..he was like another member of the family...the baby, and also like a human being to us.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Wow..things change

Wow, things can get really weird quickly.
I don't no why, but so many thing's seem like there just changing so fast, and for no reason at all...some people are becoming jerks, and other's are just starting to not care about anyone but them selves..and then you have those that lie to you, and just pretend that they are there for you, when really there not!
Why do people pretned that they care about certain people, and that they are their friend? God some people just royally piss me off, its like they are purposly doing shit like this! its fucking stupid, GROW UP! Your not impressing anyone at all!
except for maybe yourselves,and the stupid littl clicks that stick with you!
God I just want to get out of here, before I explode!Im soo mad at so many peopl, and they have me so frusterated and confused its not even funny!
I just don't know what to do anymore, like seriously how do you no if you can really trust the people that say you can, or that tell you they would never do certain thing's to you? Like how can I believe that,espically if they have been known to lie to you before!?!? god this is totally fucked up,and I want to trust all theses people,but I just can't!
anyways, I got to go, Im getting mad just bitching about all this anyways, so yah im out of here! laters
Brit <3

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Hey everyone, sorry I havent updated in a long time, my net is down,and my computer is being totally gay,and doesnt really let me on here when my net is going! TOTALLY MAD!! lol but anyways..
yesterday, we went to the Optimest Festival in Winnipeg,which was actually pretty good, and we had fun shopping in polo park! lol but yah, this is like a lil update, will blog again another day
anyways, im outta here, got alot of work to do! laters everyone

Brit <3

Thursday, February 08, 2007


I don't get it, I really don't.
Why do people purposly set out to hurt other's? I don't understand that at all. Like seriously, do you get some sort of excitement out of doing it, or what? My life is no one's business, but my own, and the people I choose to include in it, or tell about it. So if your not one of them, then stay out of it, it doesn't concern you. So many of you have no idea what it is like to be in my position alot of time, and quit frankly, none of you could ever handel it either.
So heres an idea, leave me alone, as well as my friends..the ones that actually do care about me and my life, and want a part in it, beacause I dont need this, and like alot of my friends say, I don't deserve the way I get treated either, because Im a carring person, who is always there for everyone, and puts everyone else before my self. Thanks to those who actually care about me, and take the time to listen to my problems, instead of always relying on me to solve theirs, and then have them not help with mine.
Special thanks to Val, I love you to death hun, don't no what I would do with out you, as well as Gill, who is always there for me,and will always be. Kim Chuba, your one of my best friends, and I no I can count on you, as well as Brittany Clark, we become so close lately, and you totally understand what its like,and have been through it yourself to!..and Brittany Gapka, Tiffany Arnfinson,and Courtnay Patterson, I love you guys all to death,and I no that you will always be there for me when I need you the most!...thanks a bunch, love you all so much!

sorry if I forgot anyone! anyways, I'm out of here, im at school doing chem, and what not.

love ya guys!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Fun Times

Hey everyone,

well, had a pretty fun weekend I would have to say! lol Friday night I went to kims, well I guess I had been there since wednesday, but whatever lol friday we celebrated Nelsons birthday, it was pretty fun times haha got drunk,danced,had long talks, and ate really hot pickles!! lol that was funny...then Saturday I came up to Neepawa to hang out with Britt,Nolan,and Spike and were having a pretty good time, minus the old western movies!! lol that was enough to make us girls wanna go to bed!! lol

Today, we did a bunch of cleaning, went for a cruise to get water, and then made supper,and got the boy's lunch for work ready..lol hope they have a good long night hahaha! I no none of you care, and this is boring for you but whatever, it gives you something to read about, and knowing alot of people, im sure you all can come up with some story to talk about *rolls eyes* but whatever lol

im gonna go now so yah hope this blog was good for u! lol
p.s. BRITTANY GAPKA YOUR NOT ALLOWED TO DRINK EVER AGAIN!!! lol haha.. hope your happy I updated my blog you lil shit!! haha love ya lots hun!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Crazy Week

Hey everyone,
Sorry I havent gotten a chance to post latley, my comp was being totally stupid,and wouldnt let me post anything! GOD WAS I MAD!! lol but anyways, I havent really been up to much, studying for exams this week(just Chemistry) and I also have this portfolio due by friday, and I finally just finished it today, and I have been working on it for quite sometime now!! lol its totally INSANE!! oh well haha..

Anyways, Tuesday I went to ACC to take the CAAT(Canadian Adult Achievement Test) for my nursing qualifications...it seemed okay, and then the people told us that if we fail one part of that exam, that our application gets cancelled and we have to get upgrading,and then reapply again!! its totally CRAZY!! but oh well, I hope I did okay..lol there was only like 3 of us that were still attending highschool that were in it,and the rest were adults, and there was 2 guys lol it was pretty funny, but I had a good time there!

anyways, I got some more stuff to do so Im gonna header on out..talk to you all laters

p.s. whats going on this weekend??